BPA or Bisphenol-A was recently in the news again when Sigg bottle manufacturer stated in a letter to their customers that bottle liners manufactured prior to August 2008 contained trace amounts of BPA, although in-house testing found no leaching or migration of the chemical.
We have received several calls from our customers asking if our containers contained BPA or if we manufacture BPA-free containers. BPA or bisphenol-A for those of you who don’t know, is a chemical that is used to make epoxy resins and polycarbonate plastics. This chemical has been somewhat controversial because at certain temperatures it has been found to leach out of the packaging and into water, drinks, and food products in very small amounts. Although it currently seems the jury is still out on whether or not BPA leaching can cause harm when consumed, many consumers would rather be safe than sorry.
LAPackaging manufactures many polyethelyene containers and polypropylene containers that are BPA free. Those would include Lacons, Lavials, Microvials, Flexatop, Nucons, and Polyvials. Most of our products are currently manufactured with food grade polypropylene and polyethylene plastics that, to the best of our knowledge do not contain BPA as an addative. The styrene and CAS/BAS containers, may/may not contain BPA. Check the MSDS/spec sheet for these materials. If you have any concerns or would like to request a Regulatory Data Sheet for Chemical Products please feel free to contact our sales staff or our quality control department at 714-694-0101 .