We love candy! And I mean, who doesn’t? Our boss bought three huge multi-packs of candy for the office a few days ago and people have been going crazy over it. Now while I could go on and on about how fantastic candy is, I think it’s important to get back on track and talk about the problem all candy lovers face, such as how do I take this to go? Do I continue to put candy in plastic bags wasting tons of plastic each day? Sure, I guess you could, but doesn’t that sound a little wasteful? I think so, and that is why LA Container came up with the perfect plastic bag alternative. Plastic Containers!
Take our Squeezetops® containers for example. These small, cylindrical plastic containers offer a unique hinged lid design and can only be opened by squeezing the sides of the container below the lid. This secure lid ensures that the container will not open randomly in your bag causing a candy disaster. Squeezetops® are made in the USA and are available in different colors and sizes making them a fun and secure way to take candy on the go.
Let’s say the Squeezetops® are not quite what you’re looking for. Maybe you need something a little more square to perfectly meet your candy packaging needs. Well then it sounds like you are looking for our Flex-A-Top Box Containers. These square containers offer a hinged lid design and come in so many sizes it is almost guaranteed that you will find the perfect container. Take our FT-9 for example, this smaller box container is perfect for holding mints or small pieces of candy while our FT-33 is great for flat, square chocolates or anything too wide to fit in a round container.
Alright, alright, so square containers don’t tickle your fancy either. That’s cool because we also have our LA Vials container line. These cylindrical plastic containers come with the same, great hinged lid design as the Flex-A-Top and Squeezetops® but offer a more round, flat design. This design makes them an ideal fit for rolls of bubble gum or those delicious shreds of beef jerky!
Not only are our containers great for keeping your candies safe, using these over the plastic bags is also an environmentally sound decision as you can reuse our containers again and again. So whether your packaging mints, gummies, chocolates or beef jerkey you are sure to find the perfect container at LA Container.
For more information on these containers and for small quantity orders please visit: ESD Plastic Containers
For Large Quantity Orders Please Visit: LAContainerStore