Having the world’s best item seems to be a growing trend in today’s society. It’s like you can’t walk down the street or turn on the TV without hearing about a company having the worlds best something… Annoying right? Well unfortunately we here at la container are no different… so we are officially making the …
World’s Smallest Plastic Container Line
Many of you may know that LAContainer has the greatest and most abundant line of hinged lid plastic containers around. What some of you may not know is that we now have, what we believe to be, is the world’s smallest container line featuring the world’s smallest plastic container! The first item in the world’s …
LAContainer: Polyethylene
When thinking about plastic materials there is no simpler plastic than polyethylene. Chemically speaking polyethylene consists of just a strand of connected carbon atoms with two hydrogens on two sides of the strand. This information may not seem important but when it comes to the plastic that is used in our containers we want our …
LAContainer: Polypropylene
People from every industry should have questions and concerns when it comes to the packaging they are using for their products. Whether you are selling food, toys, cosmetics or tech equipment knowing what your packaging is made from is vital for keeping your items safe. Knowing how important this information is to our buyers we …