Keep Things Secure with Small Plastic Containers with Attached Lids There is nothing better than knowing something is for sure. Whether it be knowing you’ll make it to work on time or having security in your relationship when something is a fact in life it feels safe and secure. That’s how it feels when you …
Paint Pods Keep Supplies Organized
Inspiration is an essential characteristic of an artist. The artist comes and goes with thought, action, and execution. They are constantly analyzing and reanalyzing their creative process. Artists are inspired by their surroundings and the elements around them. They are inspired by emotion and commotion. Without the core of inspiration, art would be artless. Art …
Happy Earth Day from LA Container
Since childhood, we are told to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Over and over, it is engrained in our minds to be an environmentally conscious person and to be the caretakers of the world we live in. Today, there are so many people aware of the dangers of hurting the environment and a numerous amount of …
First-Aid Kit That Stays Organized
Why should you have a first-aid kit? Boo-boos suck. No one wants to fall down and have their leg scratched and bleeding. Nothing is less fun than being the one who has to deal with a cut in public and having nothing to take care of it with. It is important to be ready to …
Lightweight Plastic Containers for Runner’s Kits
Running a marathon requires endurance, patience, and perseverance. Without these essential qualities, many runners would quickly lose sight of the goal and fail. During the duration of the average 4 hours and 19 minutes it takes to complete the marathon, you get the chance to think about a lot of things. It’s just you, the …
Purse Essentials Plastic Container Kit
Have you ever been casually minding your own business and all of a sudden, your purse decides to do a back flip triple lundy all on you and spills all of its contents in the process. Yeah, same here. We don’t mind if a pen or a lipstick falls out here or there but when …
Our Plastic Containers Are Here For You
Boundaries Are A Good Thing Sometimes it’s good to have boundaries. Boundaries give us the ability to see things clearly and neatly. Without boundaries, love, or any other thing for that matter can get really… messy. Although love can’t always find boundaries to be in, thankfully, it’s really easy to organize craft supplies into them. …
Ball Chains For Loop Hinged-Lid Containers
Have you ever been out working in your shop and suddenly realized you needed your earplugs or other small item? So then you had to dig into your pockets or work area to try and find the small container you put them in? What a pain! This is why LAContainer offers ball chains for our …
Blank Labels For Hinged Lid Plastic Containers
Blank labels are great container accessories that are offered by LAContainer. These white adhesive backed paper labels come in many different sizes and options so you can perfectly find the right label for your products. Our blank paper labels are available in two different styles. These include the label roll and the sheet label options. Both …
Container Color Options From LAContainer
Our standard clear plastic containers are great. There is really no debating that. But what happens when you need an opaque container to package medication? Or when your company calls for a fun colored container that makes your products stand out from the rest? With those issues in mind LAContainer now offers a wide variety …